Monday, November 15, 2010

18 months

I can't believe that Megan is 18 months already. It surprises me everyday to see her doing such big kid stuff like getting her own shoes on or jumping. We had her check up last week and she is doing really well. She weighs 24.4 pounds and is 30.25 inches tall. She has 12 teeth with 2 more coming in. She can say about 8 to 10 words but she mostly just grunts and cries to get what she wants which we are trying to get her to stop. She is generally a really happy girl, she loves to be around people and it is really cute to see her start to mother her dolls. She started Nursery at church and loves it except that Ryan is still in there until January so it is hard because he is constantly trying to protect her and she does not like that at all. She refuses to have anything in her hair which is frustrating because I will do her hair in the morning and she will have pulled it out with in two minutes. With in the last couple of weeks she has learned to climb up onto everything so that is challenging. She is also very dramatic she can go with laughing and smiling to a totally tantrum just because someone said no. She has started only taking one nap a day and is still waking up at least once a night. She plays hide and seek, gives high fives and knuckles. She loves to empty all my cabinets. She loves Christian and Ryan so much and every morning she greets us all with a huge smile which is the best way to start the day. We totally love her and are so grateful she is apart of our family. Her new favorite place to be is on Ryan's bed and one day I walked in to find they had dumped all the toys onto his bed and were having so much fun playing together.

1 comment:

Tiffany W. said...

oh man! that's a lot of toys to clean up! hahaha! She is darling!! :)