Thursday, April 7, 2011


So the beginning of March just completely flew by we were busy with school, work and training. I was asked the last week of February to run on Daniel's Southern California Ragnar team. We are running April 15th and 16th and I am really nervous. My first leg is 2.5 miles which isn't bad except that we went and ran it a couple of weeks ago and for the first mile and half is a huge hill. I am talking monster hill. So that really freaked me out. Then my second leg is 6.6 miles which I will be running in the middle of the night which is also scary and then my last leg is 3 miles. So I will be running 12.1 miles total over the two days. So I have been training 5 days a week to get my self better prepared for it.

Also in March was St. Patrick's Day. I once again made green bread for Christian's sandwich at school but we didn't do anything else. I had a church event that night so the kids were home with Dan and rode their bikes and played outside. Dan taught Christian some tricks on his bike which he was very excited about.

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