Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our House

Here is our new house I was going to put these pictures up in December but then I completely forgot until Dan's family asked the other day so here they are. We love our house and our neighborhood, the only down side is Dan now commutes. Before he only drove 15 minutes on side streets and now it is 40 minutes with out traffic so most days it is closer to an hour. But we are so thankful for a bigger, newer house. Lastly, I just want to say how grateful I am for my husband who was willing to sell our house and buy a house that we could live in with my parent's so that I can help my Dad everyday. Our Bedroom
Dan's Man Cave
Ryan and Megan's RoomChristian's Room


Joanna said...

Glad you are loving your new home and that you are more comfortable there. We miss you here :(

Please enjoy... said...

nice home! too bad you guys moved, but i'm happy it's all working for you!

Lorie said...

Seriously, that house is beautiful! I love how you have decorated Christian's room, I don't think I saw that!

Cris said...

AWESOME! Thanks for the pictures. Can't wait to see it!
