Wednesday, April 21, 2010

She is moving...

Just not how she should be. Megan refuses to crawl and absolutely hates to be on her tummy. About every other day I make her be on her tummy for at least 20 minutes and it is total torture for both of us. She rolls over to her back and then I put her back on her tummy at least 10 times and she just screams the whole time. Ryan didn't crawl until he was 12 1/2 months and then he was walking 2 weeks after that so it isn't a big surprise that she isn't crawling. It is just that Ryan never moved he loved to just sit and play but Megan has learned to get around. She gets from room to room on her bum and she can turn 360 degree's on her bum. It takes her a long time to get from place to place but at least she is moving, right? We hope you enjoy the video because we think it is hilarious.

1 comment:

Please enjoy... said...

that is funny! :) cute girl!