Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Great Park

Again my friend Holly posted on facebook that the Great Park of Orange County was having a Celebration day to mark 5 years since it had opened, so I looked online and it looked amazing. So since Dan was still out of town my Mom decided to come with me since she was watching my Sister's kids. We had a great time and the kids got so much stuff. This park is huge and they had so many different booths from different things from Orange County. They also had an amazing Air show that Christian and Ryan loved. While watching the Air Show Christian said to me "This would be so much more fun if Dad was here". It was so cute and we did really miss not having him with us. Henry's Market let them plant pumpkin seeds. They are looking for worms in the compost. Then they sent the kids on a scavenger hunt to find different vegetables in their garden. The Park is planning on having over 200 acres of fruit and vegetables growing over the next 5 years. That is awesome.The great park use to be the El Toro Marine Base they are converting into this incredible adventure park. So of course the Marines were there and seeing all the stuff was Christian's and Ryan's favorite area. They had the kids do pull ups to win stuff. Christian was able to do 10 pull ups so he won a Marine Hat. Watching the Air Show.At the LA Galaxy booth, they had these amazing players there that were doing all different tricks it was really cool to see and the kids loved trying to kick the balls throw the holes.

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