Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halloween Weekend

We had such an incredible Halloween weekend. It started with Friday night Dan taking Christian and Brittany to a Haunted House. It is at this park near our house and it has 5 different haunted mazes and a haunted hay ride. They totally loved it but were so scared. In the picture below Christian and Brittany didn't want to get close to the Monsters so that is why Christian is cut out of the picture. On Saturday night we had our Church Trunk or Treat. We had dinner, the kids played games, went through the spook alley, and then went trick or treating out of every one's trunk. Megan and Ryan only made it to about a quarter of the cars when they decided they didn't want to do it anymore.Ryan and his good friend Andrew.Our decorated Trunk.Megan was so tired by the end of the night but she had a great time.My friend Julie teaches Sunday school with me and our kids told us we should come to the party as each other. It was really easy she works at Target so I came as a target employee and she came as a Mom to baby Megan. The kids absolutely loved it!Sunday night we celebrated Nathan's 5th Birthday and passed out candy to trick or treaters. Nathan had a Super Mario Brothers theme so all the kids made Mario carts. It was such a cute idea and all the kids loved wearing them and racing around except Megan!

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