Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our First Family Camping Trip

We have had such an incredible last couple of days. On Wednesday night we went out to PF Chang's and then stop at Cheesecake Factory for dessert for our anniversary. We went up to Victoria Gardens and walked around and shopped a little which was really relaxing. Then this weekend the Garces Family were going camping so they invited us to come along for a night. So Friday night we drove up and camped out with them. Other than some little snags we had a really great time. We stayed up till about 2 am on Friday playing card games which was really neat. But the best time was on Saturday morning for me. Ryan had a rough night sleeping so around 5am he woke up and so Dan brought him into bed with us. (We were sleeping on an air mattress) Well then around 6 he was finally ready to official wake up so I opened my eyes and he was just staring at me which was really cute but then Christian woke up and by this time Ryan was walking around the tent exploring and when he saw Christian he got the biggest smile and just started laughing, it was such a cute moment. We then spent the next 30 minutes or so just laying in bed and laughing with each other as a family. The rest of Saturday was fun as well, the kids rode their bikes and Ryan tried his first skateboard and loved it. Christian and Ryan both loved being able to walk around and explore everything. It was definitely a great trip and much to my surprise I am looking forward to doing it again. Then we left the camp site around 3 and headed to a family party for my nieces birthday she is turning 1 tomorrow so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARA! It was a swim party so we played in the pool till around 7 then headed home. When we got home we gave the boys a bath and Ryan was so tired he started to fall asleep in the bath which was really funny. All in All it was a really great weekend of fun family time.
Ryan was so fascinated by the skateboard that he wanted to try it himself.

Then Dan borrowed Sydney's bike and gave each of the boys a ride in the basket, they both loved it and I loved seeing Dan on a pink bike with a basket!

I was really sad that I didn't take more pictures of us and the tent but I guess pictures were not my priority!

1 comment:

Lorie said...

I think camping is addictive, it is so fun. I'm glad that you guys had such a good time!!!