Friday, January 23, 2009

The Boys

Wednesday night we had the Cub Scout pack meeting where Christian was awarded his bobcat award. He was very excited and he also got to participate in the flag ceremony. The theme this month was Amazing games so Dan set up this really cool maze for the boys to do while blindfolded. They all had a great time and it was a really fun night.This is Christian with his Mom and Dan getting the Bobcat pinned. I have no idea why they have to be put upside down but that is what they do.

These last two pictures were from last night, Dan took Ryan up for a bath and he was so excited he didn't wait for Dan to take his clothes off, he just got in. It was really cute!


eli&joelynn said...

I love the upside down shot and the tub in the full on outfit!!

Nora's world said...

Please tell me your baby counter is wrong... I am 6 weeks after you and I better not have 30 weeks left!

Nora's world said...

Nevermind... I read it wrong. Pregnancy brain. :)

Jess and Richard said...

HAHAHA! THat is sooo cute that Ryan got in the tub with all of his clothes on! And PS....I am so excited that you guys are having a girl!! SO FUN!