Tuesday, October 28, 2008

18 Months

Ryan had his 18th month check up today and everything is going really well. He has moved up to the 25% in all three areas which is very exciting because he has only been in the 10% for height so it seems like he is moving up in the world so to speak. He is 23.9 pounds and is 31 inches tall. He has 14 teeth with the 15th coming in. He sleeps 11 to 12 hours at night and is down to usually just one nap for 2 to 3 hours during the day. He loves anything to do with sports, he throws balls, he can dribble a soccer ball, and he can swing and hit a hockey puck or golf ball. The part I love best is that he loves to dance. If music comes on he will clap and spin around and shake his arms all around. He is generally a very happy easy going baby or toddler I guess is the better term. He still doesn't speak that much but I think we are up to 8 or 10 words. Also, he started Nursery at church which is for children 18 months to 3 and he loves it. He runs right in and doesn't look back. I am grateful that with Rachel he goes to the Gym kids club so this transition was so easy because I know with some they have a hard time leaving their parents.

1 comment:

Lorie said...

He is growing up so fast! I couldn't believe how big he was when I saw him. He is a cutie. Too bad they don't stay this size forever! We just have to love every minute of it!