Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day at the Park

The other day my sister in law Jessica met me and the boys at the park for a picnic and to take some photos of them. Well it was a beautiful day and the photos turned out amazing. Ryan was still not feeling very well so he was not his usual happy self but other than that it was a perfect day. We first took some photos in the boys Easter outfits and then had lunch and changed. Then the boys played at the playground and they had a great time. When we first got there we were walking around trying to find a good place to take the pictures and these ducks totally attack Jessica. She had her 3 month old in the baby bjorn and then she was holding her 2 year olds hand and this duck just started biting her toes, so she was screaming, then the camera hit her baby in the head, I am trying to run over to help while holding Ryan, Christian is screaming and then there is Charles, he was laughing hysterically. There was also this goose with the two attacking ducks and the goose was hissing at Charles, the goose was almost bigger than him but he didn't even care he actually thought it was the coolest thing ever. He just kept laughing and laughing at everything that was going on. We finally got away from them and if you are ever at Tri-City Park watch out for two ducks and a goose because they are crazy. Thanks Jessica for such a great day.


Brynn said...

Dude, I have totally been attacked by ducks & geese at tri-city. We went for a walk there to try to get my labor going, and I practically got chased out! Glenn thought it was hilarious! Super cute pictures! And super cute Easter outfits!

Joanna said...

How cute they look matching! Where did you find those vests? I am so bad at getting special outfits for my kids- but this year is the first year I have 2 boys that I could match. Maybe I will splurge for the next holiday.

Rachelle said...

Yep, been there, done that. I HATE those Tri-City Park fowl! Glad you all came out of it okay. You should have turned your picnic into a BBQ, if you know what I mean. The boys look cute!