Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We Love Chuck

Last night Christian had a fundraiser for school at Chuck E Cheese so we took the boys and they had a great time. I think we went last summer once but Ryan was probably only 6 weeks old so this was his real first time. Ryan loved all the noise and excitement and Christian loved having some friends from school there. Christian's teacher was there and it was nice to talk to her in a casual setting and she said some really nice things about him. It was also Ryan's first time eating pizza. We gave him a little bit of the crust and he usually doesn't like bread but I guess because of the spaghetti sauce he loved it. He kept grunting for more. Christian loved showing Ryan all the rides and any night I don't have to cook is a good night for me.

I love that he put his hands up like it was some great roller coaster.

This is Ryan's new trick he can cross his fingers.

1 comment:

Rachel Garces said...

Why do kids love that place so much? My kids are always asking to go. Just another way to squeeze us out of money.