Monday, May 5, 2008

We were invaded

This weekend Dan and I were host parents for Youth Conference (which is kind of like a weekend retreat for the youth of our church ages 14- 18). Thank goodness we got boys and we got the older age group so we had 6 boys ages 17 & 18. It was a lot of fun and the boys were great but it was definitely exhausting. It started at 5:30pm on Friday night and ended Saturday at 9pm. They had activities and food planned for almost the whole time. On Friday night we didn't get back to our house until after midnight and the boys didn't get to bed until around 3am. My mom took Ryan for the night which was really hard on us but we didn't have much time to think about him because there was so much going on. On Saturday they went and visited with the Elderly at a rehabilitation center. It was an incredible experience to see the way these young kids interacted and served them. These young men and women we met and hung out with were just amazing kids and we had a blast with them. I don't know if I will want to do it again while we have young kids because they do have to stay some where else, but once they are older I hope they will ask us again.

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